Contact Me (are you sure about this?)
Hey! If you made it this far, it must mean you have something absolutely crucial to tell me. Or you’re just bored. Or maybe you’re curious to see if I actually reply. Spoiler: I do.
Anyway, if you really can’t resist and feel the unstoppable urge to write me, go ahead and fill out the form below. I promise to read your message with the same level of attention I give to furniture assembly instructions.
Legal disclaimer: I don’t guarantee instant replies, psychic responses, or groundbreaking wisdom. But eventually, I’ll get back to you. Pinky promise.
Now go on, make the "Send" button happy.
Actually, you know what? A form would be too easy and would give you the chance to write whatever comes to your mind. Looks like you'll have to write an email by hand.
shop [at] onemakershow [.] com